
Psychling for Mental Health

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Date(s) - 09/25/2021
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It is time for the Annual Psychling for Mental Health event!

Staff members of the Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester will be participating in the annual Psychling for Mental Health campaign on the weekend of Sept. 25, 2021. Some participants, such as our very own Director of Facilities, Mark McSweeney will embark on a 100-mile ride along the seacoast in conjunction with the Annual Seacoast Century Tour hosted by the Granite State Wheelmen. McSweeney, soon to retire from MHCGM, started the Psychling for Mental Health ride to benefit The Mental Health Center. This year he is asking people to support him and other riders by making a gift of $38 or more in honor of his 38 years with The Center.

All proceeds from riders and supporters will help to fund a need for both children and family members affected by mental illness and/or substance use disorder who would otherwise go untreated.


If interested in riding please contact organizer Mark McSweeney at: mcsweenm@mhcgm.org

To support the riders with a donation, click here and note “Psychlers” in the dedication/honor of line.


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