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Superintendent of Schools to be honored at October Mental Health Benefit

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The Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester is pleased to announce Dr. Jennifer Chmiel Gillis as the 2023 recipient of the Community Leadership Award.

Jennifer Chmiel Gillis, Ed.D, is the Superintendent of Schools for Manchester School District. She has worked in the district since 2014, serving as Principal at Southside Middle School before being named Assistant Superintendent. Recognizing the impact of strong community partnerships, Gillis has worked to strengthen and systematize these connections to strengthen schools and improve student outcomes. As Assistant Superintendent, she leveraged the power of these partnerships to help lead the school district through the COVID-19 pandemic. As Superintendent, she has worked to stabilize the district in the wake of the pandemic and deal with aging school buildings.

When Dr. Gillis moved into her role as Superintendent, she stated: “Everything we do – everything we can achieve – will come through collective efforts”.

Dr. Gillis continues to live by these words. She exemplifies strong leadership and a commitment to strategic planning to ensure the work with students, district staff, families, elected officials, and community partners creates a supportive caring system for all.

Gillis earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Endicott College, a Master of Business Administration degree from Franklin Pierce University, and an Educational Doctorate from Plymouth State University.

Each year The Board of Directors of The Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester recognizes a business or community leader who exemplifies the leadership and commitment needed to build and support a caring community. Honorees are selected for their involvement in business, civic, philanthropic, or cultural activities that enhance the quality of life and wellness of our citizens.

Dr. Gillis will be honored at The Mental Health Center’s 24th Annual Benefit for Mental Health on Monday, October 23 at The Derryfield.  For more information, or to purchase a ticket, go to;


In April 2023, MIASP established the Eddie Chambers Fund with The Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester (MHCGM) to assist children, adolescents, and their families in removing the financial barriers in accessing care.
BIA names The Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester the recipient of the 2024 Advantage Award. The New Hampshire Advantage Award celebrates businesses, organizations, or projects that enhance the Granite State’s special character and quality of life in meaningful ways.
As of July 1, 2024, the Community Support Services (CSS) division of MHCGM transitioned to a new Open Access model for scheduling appointments. Children and Adolescents will also utilize the Same Day/Open Access Intake Process.

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