Our Staff & Partners » Partnerships
Working Together for Mental Wellness
We’re committed to being at the forefront of mental health issues so we can provide the best and most effective treatments and services to our patients. A big part of this effort lies in our partnerships with other mental health organizations.
Over the years, we’ve built long-standing partnerships with Boston University, Vanguard, and contract partnerships with area hospitals and social agencies.
For more information on these partnerships, click the links below.
Amoskeag Health
Building Community in NH
Catholic Medical Center
Easter Seals NH
Elliot Hospital
Families in Transition
Farnum Center
Friends of Aine
Genoa Healthcare
Hillsborough County Dept. of Corrections
Hope for NH Recovery
Makin It Happen/Community Compass Resource Directory
Manchester Continuum of Care
Manchester Fire Dept.

Manchester Health Dept.
Manchester Police Dept.
Manchester Proud
Manchester School District
Mass College of Pharmacy
Moore Center, The
NH Coalition to End Homelessness
New Horizons of NH
Rivier University
SEE Science Center
St. Anselm College
University of New Hampshire at Manchester
Way Home, The
YWCA New Hampshire