Spotlight on IPS and InShape

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The Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester offers so much more than counseling. Many of the comprehensive services offered to our patients help to provide skills and life-long habits for living a fuller life in the community. One of those programs offered is Individual Placement and Support or (IPS). Individual Placement and Support (IPS) is a model of supported employment for people with serious mental illness. IPS supported employment helps people identify, obtain, and maintain employment in a job of their preference.

Additionally, The Center owns and operates an InShape practice for both children and adults. InSHAPE is a comprehensive health and wellness program designed to improve health outcomes and social inclusion for those living with a mental illness. The InShape program actively collaborates with community partners to provide both mental health support and physical opportunities aimed at improving overall wellness.


Bedford Counseling Associates, an affiliate program of The Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester, is now offering prescribed TMS treatments for individuals 18 and older. TMS Therapy is available by prescription only.
Research shows that Integrated Care improves patient health. 57% of ProHealth patients who were classified as “overweight” achieved clinically significant weight loss for the first time. 64% of ProHealth patients were able to get their blood pressure under control.
The Homeless Outreach Team provides support services to people experiencing homelessness or those who are at risk of becoming homeless. We provide information about shelter & housing and frequently provide food, and safety equipment such as tents, blankets, and basic survival items.

New Appointments are now made via Open Access without long waits!
Looking to schedule an appointment? Call us at 603-668-4111 option 4, to discuss your concern. Once all your information is gathered you will be instructed to show up for an open access date! 


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